Career Awareness

Nano Tips for Navigating Life After Layoff with Lorraine K. Lee

Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. Keynote speaker, founder, and author Lorraine K. Lee guides you through productive ways to handle life after a layoff. Lorraine explains the importance of feeling your emotions, staying positive, and putting time and thought into planning the next stage of your career. She encourages you to share your layoff story, leverage your network, and set up informational interviews. Lorraine shows you how to ask for recommendations, shares ways to avoid job application burnout, and highlights the importance of writing down your accomplishments. Plus, she goes over ways to leverage LinkedIn so that you can get found by more recruiters and hiring managers. With these concise videos, you can fit learning into even your busiest days!

This course was created by Lorraine K. Lee. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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